French Language
The official language in Paris and the rest of France is French. Contrary to other counties, English isn’t widely spoken.
Although Parisians do not generally speak or like to speak English, tourists won’t have any problems communicating in this language in most hotels, restaurants and shops.
Here is a list of basic expressions and a list of food in French that may come in handy during your trip:
Expressions of Courtesy
- Hello
- Bonjour
- Goodbye
- Au revoir
- Good morning
- Bonjour
- Good night
- Bonne nuit
- Welcome
- Bienvenue
- Please
- S'il vous plaît
- Thank you
- Merci
- You're welcome
- De rien
- Excuse me
- Excusez-moi
- Sorry
- Pardon
Useful Expressions
- Yes
- Oui
- Maybe
- Peut-être
- When?
- Quand?
- Where?
- Où?
- Everything
- Tout
- Do you speak English?
- Parlez-vous anglais?
- No
- Non
- What?
- Quoi?
- Why?
- Pourquoi?
- A lot
- Beaucoup
- Too much
- Trop
- Nothing
- Rien
- I don’t understand
- Je ne comprends pas
Numbers in French
- Zero
- Zéro
- One
- Un
- Two
- Deux
- Three
- Trois
- Four
- Quatre
- Five
- Cinq
- Six
- Six
- Seven
- Sept
- Eight
- Huit
- Nine
- Neuf
- Ten
- Dix
Days of the Week
- Monday
- Lundi
- Tuesday
- Mardi
- Wednesday
- Mercredi
- Thursday
- Jeudi
- Friday
- Vendredi
- Saturday
- Samedi
- Sunday
- Dimanche
In the Restaurant
- Today’s special
- Plat du Jour
- Starter
- Entrées
- The bill/check
- L’addition s’il vous plaît
- Butter
- Beurre
- Calamari
- Calmar
- Lamb
- Agneau
- Onion
- Oignon
- Vegetable garnish
- Garniture de légumes
- Mussels
- Moules
- Dessert
- Dessert
- Cheese
- Fromage
- Strawberries
- Fraises
- Seafood
- Fruits de mer
- Mushrooms
- Champignons
- Prawns
- Crevettes
- Ice-cream
- Glace
- Salad
- Salade
- Pork
- Porc
- Mustard
- La moutarde
- Hazelnut
- Noisette
- Cream
- Crème
- Pastries
- Pâtisserie
- Peppers
- Poivrons
- Fish
- Poisson
- Chicken
- Poulet
- Rice
- Riz
- Tuna
- Thon
- Egg
- Ouef
- Veal
- Veau
- Sugar
- Sucre
- Soup
- Soupe